Welcome to the world of graphic novels and comics!
Some inspiration:
Ms. Kruger has the original book and the graphic novel, so feel free to ask her to see them. :)
Ragtime Bat: a great comic that's short, sweet, and shows a lesson. Uses different sized panels and shading to
show mood and be more creative.
Trickster: A "darker" drawing style.
MY COMIC for “Boar Out There”
What is it missing? What would we
want to see added/deleted? This is NOT a project that meets expectations (we'll be talking about how to fix it on Wednesday and Thursday)
This American Life comic--ask Ms. Kruger to see this one, too!
Maus--ask Ms. Kruger to see her copy!
Go to pixton.com to register and start playing around with YOUR comic!
Would you be interested in getting a graphic novel to read? Let me know!